Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I am too tired to post today. I got those red bumps and I am afraid to die. If this is the end, goodbye my followers.. #NotOkay :(((((((((((((


Took a picture of the beavers today. The white men are killing them along with the plants. It's so sad.

Family photo with the "guns"

The white men are relentless. We tried burning their things.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


so my people and other tribes started attacking and kill the british whites for other whites. Makes sense right.smh


the french gave us these death sticks. they blow things up. cool right. were going to help stop the british or somthing.


THEY DIE..........

so the whites keep dying , dysentery, just like us. i mean we all have been getting sick (cough cough), including me .


so the white guys keep killing the soil with the over planting of that stuff they call tabaco . and they keep land grabbing over pieces of paper . wtf
We keep having to flee further into the forest because these men are chopping down all our beautiful trees! What will happen when they are all gone? Where will we live? This morning my mother and I were told we had this new sickness, "smallpox." No one has had it and lived, yet. I don't want to die!
Got some stuff today. Why do they be nice, then be mean? And WHY DOES THIS MAN GOTTA BE SO DANG CUTE!? I feel like this picture should be sad but honestly the mothers carrying their sick and dying children is the norm now...

Feelin' kinda sick today.

Everybody is so sick! I heard the word "smallpox" and I'm guessing this is what the sickness is. A sickness from these foreigners, said the medicine man. And some people have other sicknesses that look different. I just want everyone to be okay! Unfortunately, a little boy died this morning. His mother is still crying. #SadDay